The 2019 Emerald show was held on the 4th and 5th of June which also featured the Emerald show weaner and

Neville & Annette Hinrichsen (RHS) receiving the Award for “Champion pen of weaner heifers”.

feeder sale at the Emerald saleyards.   Where some 4,800 animals were booked in to be auctioned off while competing for cash and prizes. Categories include Champion pen of weaner heifers and steers, Champion pen of feeder heifers and steers plus the big one being, Champion pen of show.

Salers cross weaner heifers and steers owned by Neville and Annette Hinrichsen  of “Durrandella” station at  Alpha in Queensland, were stand out high lights in this special cattle sale.

,Neville and Annette presented for sale, a pen of Salers cross heifers weighing in at an average of 328kg, making 238c/kg for a return of $781/head.  These heifers were crowned the Champion pen of weaner heifers for the show!!!!

While Neville and Annette’  Salers cross weaner steers weighed in at 356kg average, making 260.2c/kg for a return of $928/head.

Although not the pen of steers mentioned above this link shows you the style of cattle that topped the market.

Most animals were either purchased by local restockers banking on continuing rain or southern feedlot buyers and were of a high quality, considering the lack of rain and feed in the local area.

Cattle in the Alpha district of Qld often have to endure weeks of daily temperatures reaching 45 – 50 degrees which the Hinrichsens have found that the Salers cross can do very successfully.

Like many Queensland pastoralists, the Hinrichsens have endured extreme ongoing drought conditions, for the majority of the past decade and have had to cut their stock numbers back by more than 50% on what they can run in a good year.  Which has had a devastating effect on their profitability but they have learnt to maximize their production from their remaining stock to survive. One strategy is to use Salers bulls purchased from Inglewdew Salers.

Congratulations Neville & Annette on your win and we hope that the weather will be kinder for you this coming season.